COOLcut Antifreeze

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COOLcut Antifreeze – low-freezing ingredient for water miscible coolants used in winter in outdoors environment, up to minus 20 °C, depending on the dosage.

5 litres pack. Dilution 1:20.

  • effectively lowers the freezing point of the fluid
  • very good resistance to oxidation guarantees long service life
  • does not act aggressively on the sealing elements (elastomers), to which it comes into contact.

Optima Antifreeze (%) 10  20  30  40  50
Flowability temperature (°C) -5 -10 -17 -26 -40
  • COOLcut Antifreeze – low-freezing ingredient for water miscible coolants used in winter in outdoors environment, up to minus 20 °C, depending on the dosage.

    5 litres pack. Dilution 1:20.

    • effectively lowers the freezing point of the fluid
    • very good resistance to oxidation guarantees long service life
    • does not act aggressively on the sealing elements (elastomers), to which it comes into contact.

    Optima Antifreeze (%) 10  20  30  40  50
    Flowability temperature (°C) -5 -10 -17 -26 -40